One day National level workshop on “IoT in Automobiles” in AUTOMEET 2022, MIT Campus, Anna University
17.11.2022 to 18.11.2022
Two days workshop on “Fundamentals of IoT” in collaboration with Department of Electronics Engineering MIT Campus, Anna University.
30.01.2023 to 04.02.2023
Six days Faculty Empowerment Programme on “IoT Concepts and Applications” sponsored by Centre for Facultyand Professional Development, Anna University, Chennai.
03.07.2023 to 28-07-2023
Two or Four weeks SummerInternship or Project work 2023 on “IoT and 5G” for the University Department and affiliated college students of Anna University.
Signed MoA with M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, on 16.02.2023
Initiated MoU with Centre for Development of Advance Computing (CDAC), Bangalore.
Initiated Industrial Collaboration with M/s Data Patterns (India) Pvt. Ltd on 10.03.2023 in the Presence of Mr. Stanley Moses, Managing Director, Data Patterns, San Francisco, USA.
Initiated Collaboration with Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
IOT based remote monitoring and app development for battery management system for AMPTON ENERGY PRIVATE, LIMITED, Chennai, Tamil Nadu to a tune of Rs. 2,16,000/- is being carried out.